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Cultivate your Knowledge
- Efficient question and answer knowledge management
- Focused on-topic discussions
- Best answers are shown first
- Tag and categorize
- Follow-up in the comments
- Organize comments and answers by re-posting
- Everything is editable
Askbot has Karma
- Users are rewarded with karma for posting useful information
- Upvotes grow users karma and the downvotes decrease it
- Votes identify best content, while karma spotlights and rewards experts
- User privileges grow along with their reputation.
- Choose either public, private or hidden karma.
Keep your users informed
- When new posts are made users can receive notifications
- Users can decide how often to receive them: instantly, once a day or weekly.
Stay in control
- Filter irrelevant content via the content moderation tool
- Moderate new tags suggested by the users
- Suspend or Block unwelcome users
- Set your own karma thresholds to access various functions
- Download your data any time
Have it your way
- Closed and open sites
- Customize the look and feel via css
- Customize html templates with our premium hosting
- Custom domain names: or - you name it
- Single sign-on - securely authenticate users via your company login
- Enable or disable login methods. We support Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, OpenId etc.
- Many features are optional - enable what you like